The animated film is based on the beloved book about the wonderful adventures of a girl named Dolly. Dolly and her faithful dog Totoshka live in Kansas. One day, a terrible tornado comes to their town and carries away Dolly's house to a faraway land called the Magical Land of Oz, ruled by the kind Witch of the North. She tells Dolly that during the tornado, her house crushed the Wicked Witch of the East. In order to return home to Kansas, Dolly must make her way to the Emerald City, where the Great Wizard resides. Only his good will can send her back home. Friendly Dolly sets off on her journey and along the way, she gains loyal friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion. They accompany her to the distant Emerald City, protecting her from dangers. The release of the film, directed by Alexander Makarov, was timed to coincide with the important date of the original fairy tale by L. Frank Baum, on which the film is based, turning 100 years old.