The protagonists of the series "Nemodelnoe agentstvo" are a young couple, Denis and Nastya, who are deeply in love. They desperately try to earn money for a carefree future. Things are not going well for Denis, but Nastya finds a decent financial opportunity. After a long discussion, Denis realizes that his beloved works for an elite escort agency. He cannot come to terms with it, while she has no intention of quitting her job. That's when Denis decides to open his own company in a similar field and simply "buy out" Nastya.
Задумка сериала очень даже актуальная. Да, есть моменты, которые порой вводят в ступор, но в целом интересно. Сюжетная линия закручена, так что… Read more…
Хороший актёрский состав, сюжет, и сама же идея. Актуально для современности? Безусловно. На что сейчас люди только не готовы, ради денег. Здесь же… Read more…