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Sheker poster
Sheker poster
Sheker poster
7.6 IMDb Rating: 7.2
3 posters

Sheker (2020 - …)

Sheker 18+
Production year 2020
Country Kazakhstan
Total seasons 2 seasons
Episode duration 20 minutes
TV channel
Runtime 6 hours 40 minutes

TV series description

The series "Sheker" is a Kazakh crime drama about a simple student who gets involved with the underworld of the drug business. Aldiyar is studying at a good university with his father's money, but he gets expelled due to frequent absences and failed exams. He can't bring himself to admit this to his family and decides to solve the problems on his own. In order to gather the necessary amount for reinstatement, he decides to become a courier for an online store selling "synthetics". But the forbidden world quickly pulls him in, despite his once strict principles.
Sharip Serik
Sharip Serik
Cast and Crew

Series rating

Rate 11 votes
7.2 IMDb
Sheker - Season 1 Season 1
2020, 8 episodes
Sheker - Season 2 Season 2
2021, 12 episodes
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