The Russian detective-mystical series "Nerozhdennaya" tells the story of an orphan with extraordinary abilities. Alisa can see the souls of the dead and even converse with them. The reason for this is that she herself exists on the border between two worlds: the girl died at birth, and the soul of another child, who was not supposed to die, inhabited her body. Of course, Alisa is unaware of this and is raised as a normal teenager in the family of her guardian, investigator Vasily, while also being friends with Maxim, a car mechanic secretly in love with her.
Мне фильм понравился. Жду продолжения. Очень понравилась роль бабки-колдуньи. Сыграла настолько естественно, что я была расстроена ее смертью. Лучшая… Read more…