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Kuda uhodyat dozhdi (2016 - 2016)

Kuda uhodyat dozhdi 18+
Production year 2016
Country Russia/Belarus
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
TV channel Россия 1
Runtime 3 hours 0 minute

TV series description

The series "Kuda uhodyat dozhdi" tells the story of a love that destroys the peace in a family. A young man named Alexander, without informing his parents, marries a girl named Zhenya whom he barely knows. His love is so strong that he cannot see beyond his own nose and brings a stranger into his father's house. But Sasha's mother, Nina, a wise and accomplished woman, immediately realizes that the bride is hiding something from her son. The girl clearly has malicious intentions, but how can she convince the hopelessly in love young man, who has already made a mistake?

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Kuda uhodyat dozhdi - Season 1 Season 1
2016, 4 episodes
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