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1 poster

Dilek Taşı (2023 - …)

Dilek Taşı 18+
Production year 2023
Country Turkey
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 2 hours 0 minute
TV channel Kanal D
Runtime 40 hours 0 minute

TV series description

The central characters are Aras and Rüçhan Rona, a powerful and wealthy family living in Turkey in 1987. Figen and Mustafa Kutlu, a married couple with a daughter named Cemre, work in their house. Due to a tragic twist of fate, Cemre's father is sentenced to death, and her mother is unable to care for her. As a result, Aras is forced to take Cemre into his own family. However, his action leads to unforeseen consequences that no one could have imagined.
Cast and Crew

Series rating

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5.6 IMDb
Dilek Taşı - Season 1 Season 1
2023, 20 episodes
Киноафиша.инфо November 12, 2023, 19:34
Очень рады прочесть ваше мнение, спасибо 😌
irma G.D November 12, 2023, 16:18
Фильм и сюжет нравиться актуальная тема.Актеры все подобраны хорошо. мне нравиться сериал своим сюжетом и рассказом о бедных людях находящиеся в безысходности ,их борьба и вера в лучшее...
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