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Amor con Fianza: Destino Cerdena (2022 - 2022)

Amor con Fianza: Destino Cerdena 18+
Production year 2022
Country Spain
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 49 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 6 hours 32 minutes

TV show description

In the reality show "Amor con Fianza: Destino Cerdena" by the Netflix platform, six couples who are in love participate. They are absolutely confident that their feelings for each other are so strong that they will withstand the test of time and any other difficulties. However, they will have to face serious challenges that will determine whether they are right or not. The project takes place at a luxurious resort, where partner swapping will occur. All participants will be able to observe their significant others and evaluate the acceptability of their behavior. The strongest bond will be rewarded with a cash prize.
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Amor con Fianza: Destino Cerdena - Season 1 Season 1
2022, 8 episodes
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