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Mama budet protiv (2023 - …)

Mama budet protiv 18+
Production year 2023
Country Russia
Total seasons 2 seasons
Episode duration 25 minutes
TV channel СТС
Runtime 10 hours 50 minutes

TV series description

The story revolves around a loader named Kolya, who accidentally drops heavy boxes on Natasha one day. As a result, Natasha develops a bump and her mother, Tamara Igorevna, decides to file a complaint. Because of this, Kolya risks not only losing his job, which is his source of income, but also his modest corner in the warehouse where he has settled. In order to fix the situation, the clumsy Nikolay decides to talk to the injured girl's mother and resolve everything peacefully. However, Mama budet protiv.

Series rating

Rate 4 votes
5 IMDb
Mama budet protiv - Season 1 Season 1
2023, 13 episodes
Mama budet protiv - Season 2 Season 2
2024, 13 episodes
Киноафиша.инфо November 23, 2023, 19:06
Очень рады прочесть ваше мнение, спасибо 😌
Кисиди 54 November 23, 2023, 16:58
Это самый лучший комедийный сериал, который выпускался в последние несколько лет!!! С нетерпением жду следующих сезонов! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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