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Ditya razdora (2023 - 2023)

Ditya razdora 18+
Production year 2023
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 50 minutes
TV channel Домашний
Runtime 6 hours 40 minutes

TV series description

The heroes of the series "Ditya razdora" are a married couple, Pavel and Lidia. Pavel is an exemplary businessman and caring father, while Lidia is a typical housewife. Lidia always stands by her beloved husband, forgiving him for both beatings and numerous infidelities, as she sincerely believes that the most important thing in life is the well-being of their children, and they are better off with their father. But Pavel goes too far when he raises his hand against their eldest son. Lidia files for divorce. In order to intimidate her, Pavel stages the kidnapping of their little daughter... but unexpectedly, the girl actually disappears.
Alena Savastova
Alena Savastova
Dmitriy Lavrov
Dmitriy Lavrov
Violetta Davydovskaya
Violetta Davydovskaya
Cast and Crew

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Ditya razdora - Season 1 Season 1
2023, 8 episodes
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