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Ne zhіnocha pracya (2019 - 2019)

Не жіноча праця 18+
Production year 2019
Country Ukraine
Total seasons 2 seasons
Episode duration 53 minutes
TV channel Інтер
Runtime 17 hours 40 minutes

TV series description

Senior investigator of the prosecutor's office, Svetlana, returns to her hometown where a mysterious murder takes place. All suspicions fall on her former classmate and first love. An intriguing rural detective with Alyona Kolomina. Sveta is used to living at work. She has advanced high in law enforcement, but her career came at a high cost. Her marriage fell apart, her son complains of a lack of attention, and her lonely mother is seriously ill. Leaving everything behind, Sveta comes to visit her. Meanwhile, the "first guy in the district" and Sveta's old acquaintance, Savva, finds himself in a difficult situation. He is accused of murdering a fellow villager with whom he had a quarrel the day before. And who will restore justice if not the brilliant investigator from the capital?

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Ne zhіnocha pracya - Season 1 Season 1
2019, 12 episodes
Ne zhіnocha pracya - Season 2 Season 2
2019, 8 episodes
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