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Anatomiya ubiystva (2019 - …)

Анатомия убийства 18+
Production year 2019
Country Russia
Total seasons 5 seasons
Episode duration 46 minutes
TV channel ТВ Центр
Runtime 39 hours 52 minutes

TV series description

The main character of the series "Anatomy of a Murder" is Evgeniya Volkova, an experienced and talented forensic pathologist. Despite her delicate and gentle appearance, she dissects dead bodies and determines the causes of death on a daily basis. But one day, Evgeniya is faced with a moral dilemma: falsify an autopsy report or send her beloved husband to prison? Unable to cope with such a test, she decides to run away. She becomes a caregiver in a wealthy household, but even there she uncovers a dark secret.

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Anatomiya ubiystva - Season 1 Season 1
2019, 12 episodes
Anatomiya ubiystva - Season 2 Season 2
2019, 12 episodes
Anatomiya ubiystva - Season 3 Season 3
2020, 8 episodes
Anatomiya ubiystva - Season 4 Season 4
2021, 8 episodes
Anatomiya ubiystva - Season 5 Season 5
2022, 12 episodes
Инна Чумакова October 21, 2023, 16:43
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Киноафиша.инфо October 21, 2023, 19:43
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