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Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
Band of Brothers poster
8.1 IMDb Rating: 9.4
10 posters

Band of Brothers (2001 - 2001)

Band of Brothers 18+
Production year 2001
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 60 minutes
TV channel HBO
Runtime 10 hours 0 minute

TV series description

"Band of Brothers" is an American war series about the D-Day invasion, the Operation Market Garden, and the Siege of Bastogne, based on the famous book by Stephen E. Ambrose. The story revolves around the young soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the U.S. Parachute Infantry Regiment - former schoolboys who have recently completed their training. However, these young men are immediately thrust into the most intense battles of World War II. Barely leaving the training camp, they find themselves under heavy fire. Only a few of them will have the chance to see their loved ones again.

Series rating

Rate 12 votes
9.4 IMDb
Band of Brothers - Season 1 Season 1
2001, 10 episodes
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