"Safe Connections" is a Russian series with elements of comedy and drama, shot in the screenlife format. The events take place in the spring of 2020, at the very beginning of the quarantine, when people found themselves locked in their apartments and were forced to communicate exclusively through video calls. The plot revolves around three different stories. A young girl needs money and looks for a job online. A wealthy man, old enough to be her father, offers her a generous payment in exchange for being his... mother. The only condition is that she must always stay connected. Kolya hides a passionate affair with his wife's friend Masha from his lawful wife. He secretly communicates with his lover through video calls, unaware that his wife also has something to hide. Pensioners Anna and Viktor find each other on Facebook after many years, but will they be able to trust each other again and forget the tragedy that once separated them? Created by Konstantin Bogomolov, the series portrays life in self-isolation without embellishments - the characters of "Safe Connections," confined within four walls, argue and make up, feel jealous and love, hide something or, on the contrary, decide to be honest. And the relationships in the online format are just as intense as those in real life.