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Bones 2005 - 2017 episode 24 season 4

8.2 Rate
10 votes
Yanks in the U.K. (1)
Season 4 / Episode 1 September 3, 2008
Yanks in the U.K. (2)
Season 4 / Episode 2 September 3, 2008
Man in the Outhouse
Season 4 / Episode 3 September 10, 2008
The Finger in the Nest
Season 4 / Episode 4 September 17, 2008
The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond
Season 4 / Episode 5 September 24, 2008
The Crank in the Shaft
Season 4 / Episode 6 October 1, 2008
The He in the She
Season 4 / Episode 7 October 8, 2008
The Skull in the Sculpture
Season 4 / Episode 8 November 5, 2008
The Con Man in the Meth Lab
Season 4 / Episode 9 November 12, 2008
The Passenger in the Oven
Season 4 / Episode 10 November 19, 2008
The Bone That Blew
Season 4 / Episode 11 November 26, 2008
Double Trouble in the Panhandle
Season 4 / Episode 12 January 22, 2009
Fire in the Ice
Season 4 / Episode 13 January 22, 2009
The Hero in the Hold
Season 4 / Episode 14 February 5, 2009
The Princess and the Pear
Season 4 / Episode 15 February 19, 2009
The Bones That Foam
Season 4 / Episode 16 March 12, 2009
The Salt in the Wounds
Season 4 / Episode 17 March 19, 2009
The Doctor in the Den
Season 4 / Episode 18 April 2, 2009
The Science in the Physicist
Season 4 / Episode 19 April 9, 2009
The Cinderella in the Cardboard
Season 4 / Episode 20 April 15, 2009
Mayhem on a Cross
Season 4 / Episode 21 April 16, 2009
The Double Death of the Dearly Departed
Season 4 / Episode 22 April 20, 2009
The Girl in the Mask
Season 4 / Episode 23 April 23, 2009
The Beaver in the Otter
Season 4 / Episode 24 April 30, 2009
The Critic in the Cabernet
Season 4 / Episode 25 May 7, 2009
The End in the Beginning
Season 4 / Episode 26 May 14, 2009
Episode description

В 4 сезоне 24 серии сериала «Кости» спортсмены одного колледжа решают похитить «талисман» команды своих соперников и расстрелять его из пушки. Однако студентов охватывает шок после того, как они обнаруживают внутри «талисмана» тело неизвестного человека.

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