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Brave New World poster
Brave New World poster
6.8 IMDb Rating: 7
2 posters

Brave New World (2020 - 2020)

Brave New World 18+
Production year 2020
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
Streaming service Peacock
Runtime 6 hours 45 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "Brave New World" is an adaptation of Aldous Huxley's famous dystopian novel. In the future, humanity reaches incredible heights of progress. It becomes the foundation of a better world, proclaiming universal happiness. Now people are born from test tubes, where their level of intelligence is controlled. Society has eradicated selfishness and monogamy, and all hardships are easily forgotten with a pill that eliminates negative thoughts and sadness. But even in a perfectly designed paradise, flaws can be found.

Series rating

Rate 10 votes
7 IMDb
Brave New World - Season 1 Season 1
2020, 9 episodes
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