"The Bureaucrat" is a series on the KION streaming service by Oksana Karas, the director of the drama "Doctor Lisa". The 8-episode project revolves around Arina Alferova, a bureaucrat in the regional Ministry of Health played by Victoria Tolstoganova. After losing a loved one due to her own negligence and collusion with local pharmaceutical companies, Arina intends to infiltrate the corrupt system of Russian healthcare and reach the ministerial chair in order to punish all those responsible for what happened.
"The Official" makes a bold statement as an "anti-corruption melodrama," immediately piquing intrigue. Russia still hasn't matured enough to produce sharp political films - everyone seems to be focused on the infamous "little man," and for understandable reasons. It's acceptable to laugh and satirize the system, but to completely dismantle it like in "House of Cards" is a daring move that no one has attempted yet. Falling for the colorful…