"Deception" is an American crime drama series that tells the story of illusionist Cameron Black. Black's career is destroyed, as is the life of his twin brother Jonathan, after a car accident lands Jonathan in prison, accused of killing a passenger. However, one strange detail that the prosecutors didn't take seriously haunts the illusionist: the girl in Jonathan's car had heterochromia, while the eyes of the real victim were the same color. Cameron believes that his brother was framed, but who could have done it? One day, the illusionist sees a news report on TV about a failed FBI operation: the feds let a notorious mobster escape. It becomes clear to Black that the criminal was aided in his escape by a master of illusion, just like himself. Cameron approaches the FBI with a proposal to collaborate - if successful, it may lead to a review of Jonathan's case. The feds, including agent Kay Daniels, don't take the magician seriously - until his theories prove to be true. As Cameron Black helps the FBI unravel complex cases, he begins to uncover the trail of a mysterious stranger who framed his brother...