"Desperate Housewives" is a popular American series that tells the story of several residents of a seemingly quiet and safe town. But as soon as one of the residents takes her own life and everyone learns about her terrible secret, the perfect facade begins to crumble rapidly and the lives of each of the neighbors take an unexpected turn. Thus, the peaceful Wisteria Lane turns into a place that holds many secrets and even corpses. And at the center of these events are ordinary housewives who can only dream of a peaceful and happy family life.
боже это лучший сериал который я смотрела.
когда грустно можно смотреть вечность, сразу забываешь о своих проблемах и переключаешься на сериал и… Read more…
когда грустно можно смотреть вечность, сразу забываешь о своих проблемах и переключаешься на сериал и… Read more…