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Deutschland 83 poster
Deutschland 83 poster
Deutschland 83 poster
Deutschland 83 poster
7.8 IMDb Rating: 8
4 posters

Deutschland 83 (2015 - 2020)

Deutschland 83/86/89 18+
Production year 2015
Country USA
Total seasons 3 seasons
Episode duration 45 minutes
Streaming service Amazon Prime Video
Runtime 19 hours 30 minutes

TV series description

The series "Deutschland" is a visually striking show for fans of spy games, characterized by the distinctive style of the decade and the Cold War era as a whole. A young East German non-commissioned officer must take off his native uniform, put on the uniform of the FRG, and infiltrate the enemy's ranks. In the NATO headquarters, he must obtain information about the possible start of the Third World War, as the communist camp genuinely fears a nuclear apocalypse. Behind the Berlin Wall, a completely different life awaits him, with many new faces and deadly traps.

Series rating

Rate 10 votes
8 IMDb
Deutschland 83 - Deutschland 83 Deutschland 83
2015, 8 episodes
Deutschland 83 - Deutschland 86 Deutschland 86
2018, 10 episodes
Deutschland 83 - Deutschland 89 Deutschland 89
2020, 8 episodes
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