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The Innocent poster
The Innocent poster
The Innocent poster
The Innocent poster
The Innocent poster
few votes IMDb Rating: 7.8
5 posters

The Innocent (2021 - …)

El inocente 18+
Production year 2021
Country Spain
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 57 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 7 hours 36 minutes

TV series description

"El inocente" is a Spanish series in the genre of crime drama, produced by the online service Netflix. The plot revolves around a man named Mateo, who is released after nine years of imprisonment. In his past life, he accidentally got involved in a fight and killed an innocent person, for which he received the appropriate punishment. After serving his sentence, the main character tries to rebuild his relationship with his former lover, but a series of tragic events once again drives them apart...

Series rating

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7.8 IMDb
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