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Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
Humans poster
6.7 IMDb Rating: 7.9
9 posters

Humans (2015 - 2018)

Humans 18+
Production year 2015
Country Great Britain/USA/Sweden
Total seasons 3 seasons
Episode duration 60 minutes
TV channel Channel 4
Runtime 24 hours 0 minute

TV series description

"Humans" is a multi-series show in the science fiction genre, and it is a remake of a Swedish series of the same name. The project was broadcasted on AMC, Channel 4, and Kudos. The creators of the show explore the impact of high technology on society, culture, and human psychology. "Humans" aired from 2015 to 2018, with a total of three seasons. The story takes place in the near future, where humans have managed to create unique robots that are almost indistinguishable from humans. These machines typically assist in production or simply serve in households. One of the androids unexpectedly begins to exhibit fully conscious human emotions. This occurs as a result of experiments conducted by a certain scientist. Subsequently, "humanity" spreads to other robots as well.

Series rating

Rate 10 votes
7.9 IMDb
Humans - Season 1 Season 1
2015, 8 episodes
Humans - Season 2 Season 2
2016, 8 episodes
Humans - Season 3 Season 3
2018, 8 episodes
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