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It's a Sin poster
It's a Sin poster
few votes IMDb Rating: 8.6
2 posters

It's a Sin (2021 - …)

It's a Sin 18+
Production year 2021
Country Great Britain
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
TV channel Channel 4
Runtime 3 hours 45 minutes

TV series description

"It's a Sin" is a British miniseries created by showrunner Russell T. Davies. One of the main roles is played by singer Olly Alexander. The show is set in the 1980s in London. The main characters are a close group of friends who move to the capital city in search of a better and wealthier life. As the events unfold, they encounter various problems that were relevant to society at that time. One of the main themes in the series revolves around the issue of the AIDS epidemic, which rapidly spread in society, largely due to the widespread stigmatization of homosexuality.

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8.6 IMDb
It's a Sin - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 5 episodes
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