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Kanikuly Krosha poster
Kanikuly Krosha poster
few votes IMDb Rating: 6.8
2 posters

Kanikuly Krosha (1980 - 1980)

Каникулы Кроша 18+
Production year 1980
Country USSR
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 1 hour 10 minutes
TV channel ЦТ СССР
Runtime 4 hours 40 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "Krosh's Vacation" is a late Soviet mix of adventure, detective, and teenage films about friendship and first love. Sergey, a high school student with a funny nickname, accidentally befriends Vladimir Nikolaevich, an interesting and intelligent man with a seemingly curious hobby. However, this impression turns out to be deceptive. And now the main character must expose his dishonest schemes to the world.
Vladimir Zamanskiy
Vladimir Zamanskiy
Olga Bityukova
Olga Bityukova
Cast and Crew

Series rating

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6.8 IMDb
Kanikuly Krosha - Season 1 Season 1
1980, 4 episodes
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