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The Ship poster
The Ship poster
The Ship poster
The Ship poster
few votes IMDb Rating: 5.5
4 posters

The Ship (2014 - 2015)

Корабль 18+
Production year 2014
Country Russia
Total seasons 2 seasons
Episode duration 50 minutes
TV channel СТС
Runtime 43 hours 20 minutes

TV series description

"The Ship" is a story of incredible adventures of the passengers and crew of a ship. One fine day, the joyful journey of selected cadets comes to an end when all the continents are submerged due to a catastrophe at a large hadron collider. The sailboat "Running on Waves" becomes both a home and a prison for a group of people who are completely different from each other. It is hard to imagine what awaits them tomorrow, as they are now the only ones left alive on planet Earth.

Series rating

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5.5 IMDb
The Ship - Season 1 Season 1
2014, 26 episodes
The Ship - Season 2 Season 2
2015, 26 episodes
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