"Mare of Easttown" is a new American show in the genre of dramatic detective. The series was produced by the television channel HBO. The story revolves around a woman named Mare Sheehan, who works as a detective in a small town in Pennsylvania. When a horrifying murder occurs in her home state, the main protagonist decides to do everything possible to find the culprit and put them behind bars. At the same time, Mare tries to sort out her personal life, which has taken a downturn due to major work-related issues.
Это, пожалуй, первый сериал за долгое время, который не расстроил и не разочаровал.
Во-первых, там играет очень приличная актриса, Кейт Уинслет:… Read more…
Во-первых, там играет очень приличная актриса, Кейт Уинслет:… Read more…