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Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
Motherland: Fort Salem poster
6.6 IMDb Rating: 7.3
7 posters

Motherland: Fort Salem (2020 - …)

Motherland: Fort Salem 18+
Production year 2020
Country USA
Total seasons 3 seasons
Episode duration 60 minutes
TV channel FreeForm
Runtime 30 hours 0 minute

TV series description

"Motherland: Fort Salem" is a multi-series American show filmed in the genre of science fiction. The events of the series take place in a fictional universe where three hundred years ago, witches made the decision to fight in a war for the American government. In exchange for power, they were promised to stop their persecution and allowed to live on their own territory. The main heroines of the show are three young witches who must defend their homeland not only with magical spells but also with real weapons.

Series rating

Rate 11 votes
7.3 IMDb
Motherland: Fort Salem - Season 1 Season 1
2020, 10 episodes
Motherland: Fort Salem - Season 2 Season 2
2021, 10 episodes
Motherland: Fort Salem - Season 3 Season 3
2022, 10 episodes
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