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Na linii zhizni (2016 - 2016)

На линии жизни 18+
Production year 2016
Country Ukraine
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 52 minutes
TV channel Україна
Runtime 27 hours 44 minutes

TV series description

The Ukrainian drama series "On the Frontline of Life" tells the story of the challenging work of medical professionals and the lives of people who have faced difficult circumstances. The events unfold in a military hospital. In peacetime, this place is not much different from other medical institutions, except that all the clinic's patients are somehow connected to military service. Sergey Zadorozhny is a surgeon who frequently goes on business trips. He voluntarily joins UN representatives in hotspots and provides assistance to those in need.
Anna Vasileva
Anna Vasileva
Mykhailo Zhonin
Mykhailo Zhonin
Cast and Crew

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7.4 IMDb
Na linii zhizni - Season 1 Season 1
2016, 32 episodes
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