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Obyavlen mertvym (2021 - 2021)

Объявлен мертвым 18+
Production year 2021
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 47 minutes
TV channel ТВ Центр
Runtime 3 hours 8 minutes

TV series description

The protagonist of the detective series "Declared Dead," Vadim Datsky, serves in the police force and falls into a trap during another dangerous mission. Soon, his colleagues find a video recording of torture and the murder of a man. He is declared dead, and the grieving widow Darya buries an empty coffin. After some time, she starts dating Sergei, her late husband's best friend, and her life gradually improves. But unexpectedly, Vadim is discovered alive and with no memory in the basement of an abandoned house.

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Obyavlen mertvym - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 4 episodes
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