"Ordinary Woman" is a Russian detective TV show that revolves around a seemingly ordinary Russian woman named Marina. She is married to a doctor, raises two daughters, and occasionally argues with her mother-in-law. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that Marina is not as simple as she appears - she leads a double life. Secretly from her family and loved ones, the heroine is involved in an illegal business related to escort services. She helps girls "find" clients and takes a good percentage from it. The situation worsens when one of Marina's "night butterflies" is found dead in a hotel room.
Отличный сериал! С удовольствием посмотрела и 1-й сезон, и 2-й досматриваю. Сюжет закручен лихо, не без иронии и сарказма, хотя и цинизма много,… Read more…