"Police Officer from Rublyovka" is a humorous series about law enforcement officers from the suburban town of Barvikha. The protagonist of the first seasons is the young playboy Grigory Izmaylov, a brave defender of the residents of Rublyovka. The charming and quick-witted Izmaylov effortlessly unravels even the most complex criminal cases. He is the soul of the detective department and a heartthrob. Izmaylov is constantly in confrontation with his boss, Vladimir Yakovlev. The latter increasingly bears the brunt of his careless subordinate.
Нус что могу сказать😏Сериал интересный. По крайней мере первые 3 сезона. Начиная с 4 сезона пошла жуткая муть и сопли😤в первых 2х сезонах сериал был… Read more…