"Psych" is a multi-episode dramatic show created for the streaming service more.tv. The main character is Oleg, a renowned practicing psychotherapist who has achieved a certain level of career success. Clients literally flock to him for appointments. However, Oleg himself is not particularly happy about this success, as he has more bugs in his head than his patients do. The protagonist realizes that he will soon need to seek help from a doctor himself, otherwise he will completely lose his mind.
Мне понравилось , Богомолов в своем репертуаре ) ах как они сыграли с ВЕрником,два интеллекта соприкоснулись в поцелуи) и конечно же чудесная актриса… Read more…
Ради талантливого Константина Богомолова. И ради блестящей режиссуры Фёдора… Read more…