The TV series "Family Portrait" tells the story of two brothers, Tima and Fyodor. They hate each other, but they share a common secret. Once, a simple car mechanic, Fyodor, helped his older and more successful brother, Artem, with a dangerous scheme. They kidnapped a child, but they couldn't get the ransom and return the girl to her parents. Tima betrayed his younger brother, sending him behind bars. Years have passed, but the brothers still haven't been able to forgive each other. Now they will have to choose between the truth and the future of their families.
Olexsandr KryzanivskiyАлексей Михайлович Быков, отец Артёма и Фёдора, автомеханик
Georgiy KhostikoevОлег Анатольевич Михайлов, художник, отец Киры