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Serzhant poster
Serzhant poster
few votes IMDb Rating: 4.8
2 posters

Serzhant (2021 - …)

Сержант 18+
Production year 2021
Country Russia
Total seasons 2 seasons
Episode duration 45 minutes
TV channel РЕН-ТВ
Runtime 9 hours 0 minute

TV series description

At the center of the story is Alexey Serganov, a former military man. Even in peacetime, he is forced to fight for his life, not just for survival. Alexey challenges corruption, hired killers, and corrupt representatives of the authorities. It all started when Alexey, after being discharged from service, took a job as a window cleaner and accidentally witnessed a brutal crime. He couldn't stand by and found himself drawn into a very dangerous story. But the truth is on Serganov's side, which means he will achieve justice prevailing.

Series rating

Rate 1 vote
4.8 IMDb
Serzhant - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 4 episodes
Serzhant - Season 2 Season 2
2023, 8 episodes
Weteran Mc June 23, 2024, 02:03
Второй сезон восьми-серийного экшен сериала (4 истории по 2 серии) про бойца ФСБ с псевдонимом Сержант. Снова динамично и напряженно. Лишь бои и… Read more…
Weteran Mc June 18, 2024, 23:53
Не плохой отечественный боевик с интересным сюжетом. Конечно не обошлось без ляпов. Поэтому моя оценка: 8 из 10. 👍
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