"The Dragon Prince" is a multi-episode animated show created by the online platform Netflix. The series takes place in a fantasy world inhabited by humans, elves, and dragons. After humans began using dark magic against other creatures, the rulers of the elves and dragons decided to exile humanity to another part of the continent. However, one day, human forces managed to break through to foreign territory, thus provoking a massive war... The main characters of the series are three teenagers who are determined to secretly deliver an egg with the heir to the dragon throne to his family. Only this can stop the conflict between the parties.
Это самый лучший мультсериал. Я в восторге. Он стал моим любимым. Я не только скупают все что вижу с ним, а ещё и делаю сама поделки : из 3 D ручки… Read more…