"Tobol" is a Russian historical mini-series based on a literary source of the same name. Initially, "Tobol" was released as a feature film and shown in cinemas. After its theatrical run, the creators began airing an 8-episode version of the film on one of the state channels. It is noteworthy that all the events in the series are based on real facts, and some characters are historical prototypes. The action of "Tobol" takes place in the early 18th century. The main character is Ivan Demarin, a young but highly promising military officer. Following an order from the ruler, he embarks on a business trip to a distant Siberian city called Tobolsk. By twist of fate, it is in this provincial town that Demarin unexpectedly meets the love of his life - a beautiful girl named Masha Remezova. She is the daughter of the renowned Siberian historian Semyon Remezov. As the story unfolds, the main characters embark on a thrilling and dangerous expedition under the leadership of Colonel Bukholtz. During their journey, they attempt to find the trading city of Yarkend, located in Kashgaria. According to the plan, it is there that the legendary gold deposits of the Raskemdar River should be found.