"Triad" is a comedy series from TNT about a guy named Tolik, who is expecting three children from three different women at the same time. Tolik and Rita have been married for many years and they are a successful couple - they have their own nice house and a profitable family cafe business. But they have been desperate to have a child, to the point where they had to convert the nursery into a wine room. Tolik has another woman in his life - Natasha, who is very refined and sophisticated, unlike his businesswoman wife. She is young and possibly able to give him a child. Deciding to make a final choice between the two ladies, Tolik follows his friend's "brilliant" advice to sleep with some girl from a club and then think about who he would be ashamed of - Rita or Natasha. He should stay with the one he feels ashamed of. After a few weeks, each of the girls realizes that she is pregnant.