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Wayne poster
Wayne poster
Wayne poster
8.1 IMDb Rating: 8.3
3 posters

Wayne (2019 - 2019)

Wayne 18+
Production year 2019
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 30 minutes
Streaming service YouTube Premium
Runtime 5 hours 0 minute

TV series description

The series "Wayne" tells the story of a hot-tempered teenager who adheres to strict moral principles. After his parents' divorce, the boy lives with his father in Brockton until his father dies after a long battle with cancer. Macaulay then embarks on an unpredictable motorcycle journey to Florida to retrieve the Pontiac left to him, accompanied by his neighbor Del Luccetti. The characters have no idea of the dangers that await them on the road to their inheritance and who is following them...
Уэйн - trailer сериала
Wayne  trailer сериала
Cast and Crew

Series rating

Rate 11 votes
8.3 IMDb
Wayne - Season 1 Season 1
2019, 10 episodes
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