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Zelenyy mer (2021 - 2021)

Зеленый мэр 18+
Production year 2021
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 25 minutes
Streaming service Кинопоиск
Runtime 3 hours 20 minutes

TV series description

"The Green Mayor" is a comedy series that tells the story of a former student named Kirill, who decides to return to his hometown after being expelled from his educational institution. Over the years of the protagonist's absence, this place has deteriorated to a completely decadent state, especially in terms of ecology. The completely apathetic mayor turns a blind eye to the horrors happening around him. Hoping to save their city, Kirill and his friends decide to organize a "green" activist movement - they engage in an open fight against officials and the distrust of ordinary people.

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8.2 IMDb
Zelenyy mer - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 8 episodes
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