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Zero (2021 - …)

Zero 18+
Production year 2021
Country Italy
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 25 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 3 hours 20 minutes

TV series description

"Zero" is a new Italian TV series in the science fiction genre. The plot is based on the work of Italian writer Antonio Dikele Distefano titled "I've Never Been My Age". The story revolves around a petty criminal who instills fear in a small district of a provincial town. By chance, he meets a student who has the ability to become invisible and decides to involve him in his marginal activities. Meanwhile, the young man also encounters a highly mysterious girl...
Невидимка Зеро - trailer первого сезона
Zero  trailer первого сезона
Beatrice Grannò
Beatrice Grannò
Cast and Crew

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5.8 IMDb
Zero - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 8 episodes
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