"Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist" is a multi-episode comedy show that tells the story of a girl named Zoey, who has a trendy profession as a programmer. Along with her IT team, she tries to develop an important project and impress her perpetually dissatisfied boss. However, after an unpleasant incident and a head injury, strange things start happening to the main character: Zoey can hear the thoughts of the people around her, but she hears them in the form of actual songs. The songs are usually well-known and pleasing to the ear. This way, the main character discovers that her best friend has a crush on her, and her father is in a state of depression.
Нужен был какой-то простой сериал, который ты можешь смотреть под рутинные задачи. Где есть не сильно сложные герои, и не нужно особо следить за… Read more…