Legacies – "Legacies" is a multi-series mystical show that is a spin-off of the series "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals". The plot revolves around the students of the "Salvatore" school, which teaches witches, vampires, werewolves, and other mythical creatures. The events of "Legacies" take place several years after the finale of the original story. The main heroine is Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of the leader of the werewolves and an ancient hybrid. She attends the exclusive "Salvatore" school along with other students, including the Saltzman twins, werewolf Rafael, vampire MG, and many others. All the teenagers are required to keep their abilities a secret from the locals. However, when Rafael transforms into a wolf in front of a mortal, they have to reassess their priorities.